Exciting News to Report! Details Below ⬇️

On 20 October 2021, we received notification from “The Foundation Group” that we received approval from the United States Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for our 501c3 application. A process that took almost 11 months from intake, the gathering materials, processing the materials, submitting the application, and the review of the application with a favorable response. This is a very important milestone since we want to make sure that any gifts and donations given to this ministry provide an opportunity for donors to claim a tax benefit. We never want to be a burden for any giver or gift. This will also open doors for this ministry to increase its donor base and the ability to raise funds for the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

One significant fund-raising objective is to receive funds we can freely give to fund Christ for all Nations (CfaN) Evangelism Bootcamp and Decapolis operations. As a CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp graduate, I have over 100 alumni to partner with to continue our team Evangelism activities through kids crusades, Gospel truck outreaches, and one-to-one outreaches. We are an army that continues to grow with the third class of CfaN Bootcamp students currently on the ground for three weeks in Nigeria, Africa. Please give your best gift at: https://donorbox.org/pioea3. God bless you and see the IRS letter below:

Pedro Israel Orta

Mr. Orta is native of Miami, Florida, the son of Cuban immigrants who fled Communist Cuba with one grand-uncle imprisoned as a political prisoner. Mr. Orta was raised in a strong conservative family environment of integrity and honor, growing up attending and serving in a Hispanic Pentecostal Church where he received Jesus Christ as his lord and savior.. Mr. Orta has been a licensed minister with the Evangelical Church Alliance since 1991 and is deeply rooted in the Word of God trained with teachings by Kenneth E. Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, and Keith Moore. In 1994 Mr. Orta was ordained by Buddy and Pat Harrison with Faith Christian Fellowship. Most recently, Mr. Orta is a June 2021 graduate of Christ for all Nations (CfaN) Evangelism Bootcamp and served in the Mbeya, Tanzania Decapolis Crusade. Mr. Orta is an ordanined minister through CfaN.

Mr. Orta worked in the professional Miami business market for 14 years and attended Florida International University at night, graduating Summa Cum Laude December 1999 with a Bachelor of Arts degree double major in Political Science and International Relations. Shortly thereafter Mr. Orta moved to the Washington, DC area and worked for the US Government for 19 years. Mr. Orta earned a Master of Arts in Security Policy Studies from the George Washington University in May 2002. Mr. Orta served about seven years in conflict zones such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen. Earning seven Exceptional Performance Awards for his contributions to US National Security. Mr. Orta served as an Inspector for the Office of the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community during 2015-2017.

Post US Government service, Mr. Orta relocated to Tulsa, Oklahoma and has launched an evangelistic and teaching ministry. Mr. Orta is currently working on writing books about his experiences as a US Government whistleblower and has been featured in numerous internet news articles and broadcasts. Mr. Orta welcomes opportunities to speak about his experiences as a whistleblower, and to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


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